
URAL Engineering Co. Inc, is so  organized as to enable it to perform requirements  of an engineering project in the most efficient and cost effective way. For this reason, in order to keep OH costs at a minimum, the number of permanent staff is limited to a core made up of partners, project managers, and specialists who are responsible for job promotion and planning as well as programming work load  regarding both  man-months and  job  qualifications.  These core personnel are enhanced according to the requirements  of the project by additionally hired engineers and architects as well as by direct collaboration with the associated specialty firms.

The firm has re structured  its “engineering  only” organizational understanding,  to adopt a Design and Build approach and capabilities. Today’s construction market requires fast   track  projects where time consuming     separate  design documentation and  construction tenders are replaced with  unified  responsibility contracts   of Design and Build.

Especially in the areas of specialty constructions or facilities the clients require that a single organization should design, provide operate and hand over to the client a complete and working facility. A good example is in the wastewater treatment field. Facilities whether they are custom build or modular/package type systems, one general contractor should be responsible from the complete project including the process warranties and O&M requirements.

The firm is capable of furnishing well-coordinated Architectural, Civil, Structural, Infrastructural and Interior design services by utilizing its in-house staff as well  as  its professional associates. Mechanical and Electrical engineering design services  are performed by our associated specialty engineering firms under our careful   coordination. All engineering services carry the quality control assurance and guaranty of our firm.

In URAL Engineering,   each design project is carried out by  a  dedicated project team. Each team is headed by a senior design engineer and draftsmen enough to complete the project in schedule. Design teams  are dynamically managed to accommodate necessary and  fluctuating  workloads  and  tight schedules. Flexible teaming capability enables URAL to undertake large and small projects with the lowest overhead  costs thus providing the best value to the client.

URAL  has also the capability to form design teams with other Turkish  and US design sub- consultants, Universities and A/E firms where project design load or specialty Technological requirements  so necessitate. URAL is a member of ACI (American Concrete Institute), ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), ICC (International Code Council) and follow state of the art structural and Engineering design developments. URAL Engineering has Architectural,  Structural, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical  departments  and sub-consultant’s  of URAL that has the track rec ord of working in various  USCEE, USAF and US DoD projects as well as many civil projects within the geographical area that URAL is mainly  focused.

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